package pattern.a.factoryMethod;
interface Product {
void operation();}
class ConProduct1 implements Product {
//不同的实现可以有不同的产品操作 public void operation() {}}
class ConProduct2 implements Product {
//不同的实现可以有不同的产品操作 public void operation() {}}
interface Factory { Product CreateProduct();void operation1();
}class ConFactory1 implements Factory {
//不同的实体场类 在创建产品是可以有不能的创建方法 public Product CreateProduct() { Product product = new ConProduct1(); operation1(); return product; } public void operation1() {}public static Factory getFactory() {
return new ConFactory1(); }}class ConFactory2 implements Factory {
//不同的实体场类 在创建产品是可以有不能的创建方法 public Product CreateProduct() { Product product = new ConProduct2(); operation1(); return product; } public void operation1() {}//
public static Factory getFactory() { return new ConFactory2(); }}public class FactoryMethod {
public static void main(String[] args) { Factory factory = ConFactory1.getFactory(); Product product = factory.CreateProduct(); product.operation(); }} *********************************************************************** //AbstractoryFactory模式的例子 //我觉得这个模式与FactoryMethod 就是创建产品的数量上有区别package pattern.a.abstractfactory;
interface ProductA {}class ProductA1 implements ProductA {}
class PorductA2 implements ProductA {}
interface ProductB {}class ProductB1 implements ProductB {}
class ProductB2 implements ProductB {}
interface Factory { ProductA CreateA(); ProductB CreateB();}
class ConFactory1 implements Factory { public ProductA CreateA() { return new ProductA1(); } public ProductB CreateB() { return new ProductB1(); } }//2工厂产生2系列产品
class ConFactory2 implements Factory { public ProductA CreateA() { return new PorductA2(); } public ProductB CreateB() { return new ProductB2(); } }class ConFactory {}
public class AbstractFactory {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1工厂产生1类产品 Factory factory1 = new ConFactory1(); ProductA a1 = factory1.CreateA(); ProductB b1 = factory1.CreateB(); //2工厂产生2类产品 Factory factory2 = new ConFactory1(); ProductA a2 = factory2.CreateA(); ProductB b2 = factory2.CreateB(); }} *********************************************************************** //Builder模式的例子// 模式的宗旨是 将部件创建的细节 和部件的组装方法分离!!! 考兄弟悟性要高package pattern.a.builder;
class director {
//construct 中存放着组装部件的逻辑 注意 逻辑的分离 public Product construct(Builder builder) { builder.buildPart1(); builder.buildPart2(); operation(); Product product = builder.retrieveProduct(); return product; } public void operation() {}}class Product {}
interface Builder {
void buildPart1(); void buildPart2(); Product retrieveProduct(); }class ConBuilder1 implements Builder {
public void buildPart1() {} public void buildPart2() {} public Product retrieveProduct() { return null; } }class ConBuilder2 implements Builder {
public void buildPart1() {} public void buildPart2() {} public Product retrieveProduct() { return null; } }public class BuilderPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
} } *********************************************************************** //Singleton模式例子package pattern.a.singleton;
// 一种简单的形式
class SingletonExample { private static SingletonExample instance; private SingletonExample() {} public static SingletonExample getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new SingletonExample(); } return instance; } synchronized public static SingletonExample getInstance1() { if (instance == null) { instance = new SingletonExample(); } return instance; } public static SingletonExample getInstance2() { synchronized(SingletonExample.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = new SingletonExample(); } } return instance; }}//利用类加载时 初始化只产生一次
class SingletonExample2 { private static SingletonExample2 instance = new SingletonExample2(); private SingletonExample2() {} public static SingletonExample2 getInstance() { return instance; }}public class SingletonPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
}} *********************************************************************** //Prototype模式例子package pattern.a.prototype;
interface Prototype {
Prototype myclone();}class ConPrototype1 implements Prototype{
private String a; public ConPrototype1(String a) { this.a = a; } public Prototype myclone() { return new ConPrototype1(a); }}class ConPrototype2 implements Prototype{
private int b; public ConPrototype2(int b) { this.b = b; } public Prototype myclone() { return new ConPrototype2(b); }}public class PrototypePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Prototype inst1 = new ConPrototype1("testStr1"); Prototype inst2 = null; inst2 = inst1.myclone(); }} ***********************************************************************结构模式
package pattern.b.Adapter;
// 类适配
interface Target1 { void request(); }class Adaptee1 {
public void specRequest() {}}
class Adapter1 extends Adaptee1 implements Target1 {
public void request() {
super.specRequest(); }}
interface Target2 {
void request();}
class Adaptee2 {
public void specRequest() {}
class Adapter2 implements Target2 {
private Adaptee2 adaptee;
public Adapter2(Adaptee2 adaptee) { this.adaptee = adaptee; } public void request() { adaptee.specRequest(); }}
public class AdapterPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
} } *********************************************************************** //Proxy模式例子package pattern.b.proxy;
interface Subject {
void request(); }//真正处理请求的地方
class RealSubject implements Subject { public void request() { System.out.println("real access"); } }//ProxySubject是与用户交互的类 他是REalSubject的代理
//在处理功能之上的一层 这里可以做前操作 后操作 例如可以验证是否处理请求。class ProxySubject implements Subject { private RealSubject real; public ProxySubject(RealSubject real) { this.real = real; } // public void request() { preRequest(); real.request(); afterRequest(); } private void preRequest() {} private void afterRequest() {} } //java自身提供代理类使用反射机制public class ProxyPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Composite 模式例子//在用户的角度 并不知道 不见是单独的还是符合的 只要调用接口级方法 operationpackage pattern.b.composite;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.List;// 安全模式 在接口级只提供部分功能 leaf 和 composite 有不同的功能
interface Component1 { public void operation(); }class leaf1 implements Component1 {
public void operation() { System.out.println("this is the leaf1"); } }class Composite1 implements Component1 {
private List components; public Composite1() { components = new ArrayList(); } public void operation() { Iterator it = components.iterator(); Component1 com = null; while (it.hasNext()) { com = (Component1) it.next(); com.operation(); } } public void addComponent(Component1 com) { components.add(com); } public void removeComponent(int index) { components.remove(index); } }// 透明模式 接口定义全部功能 leaf中可能使用空方法或抛出异常 活着写一层 抽象类 写上默认实现方法(极端情况下 是空或异常)
interface Component2 { public void operation(); public void addComponent(Component2 com); public void removeComponent(int index); }class leaf2 implements Component2 {
public void operation() { System.out.println("this is the leaf1"); } //这个使用空方法 public void addComponent(Component2 com) {} //这个使用不支持异常 public void removeComponent(int index){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }}class Composite2 implements Component2 {
private List components; public Composite2() { components = new ArrayList(); } public void operation() { Iterator it = components.iterator(); Component2 com = null; while (it.hasNext()) { com = (Component2) it.next(); com.operation(); } } public void addComponent(Component2 com) { components.add(com); } public void removeComponent(int index) { components.remove(index); } }//也可以用一个抽象类
abstract class AbstractComponent implements Component2{
public void operation() {} public void addComponent(Component2 com) {} abstract public void removeComponent(int index); }public class CompositePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
} } *********************************************************************** //Flywight 模式例子// 将共同的跟不同的属性分离 共享共同属性 而不同属性由外部传入 进行特定操作package pattern.b.flyweight;
import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;// 1没有办法通过obj.value方式 2没有改变属性的方法 3不能通过继承重置属性 所以这个对象是 immutable 不可变的
final class State { private String value = null; public State(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; }}interface Flyweight {
void operation(String extrinsicState);}class ConFlyweight1 implements Flyweight {
//state 表示享元的内部状态 //或者用构造函数传入 private State state = new State("state1"); //out 为外部传给享元的 外部状态 public void operation(String out) { //使用外部状态和内部状态来执行 operation操作 System.out.println("ConFlyweight1: " + out + state.getValue()); }}// 充数的
class ConFlyweight2 implements Flyweight { private State state = new State("state2"); public void operation(String out) { System.out.println("ConFlyweight2: " + state.getValue() + out ); }}class FlyweightFactory {
Map flyweights = new HashMap(); public Flyweight getFlyweight(String key) { if (flyweights.containsKey(key)) { return (Flyweight) flyweights.get(key); } else { // 这里就随便写的 Flyweight flyweight = null; if (key.charAt(key.length() - 1) == '1') { flyweight = new ConFlyweight1(); flyweights.put(key, flyweight); } else { flyweight = new ConFlyweight2(); flyweights.put(key, flyweight); } return flyweight; } }}public class FlyweightPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { FlyweightFactory factory = new FlyweightFactory(); Flyweight flyweight1a = factory.getFlyweight("flytest1"); flyweight1a.operation("outparam1"); }} *********************************************************************** // Bridge 模式例子//对一处的操作 改成引用一个对象 具体操作再另一个对象中进行 这样便于功能扩展package pattern.b.bridge;
interface Implementor {
void realOperation();}class ConImplementor1 implements Implementor {
public void realOperation() { System.out.println("do the real operation1"); }}class ConImplementor2 implements Implementor {
public void realOperation() { System.out.println("do the real operation2"); }}abstract class Abstraction {
protected Implementor imp; public Abstraction(Implementor imp) { this.imp = imp; } protected void med0() {} abstract public void operation();}class ConAbstraction extends Abstraction{
public ConAbstraction(Implementor imp) { super(imp); } public void operation() { med0(); imp.realOperation(); }}public class BridgePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Implementor imp = new ConImplementor1(); Abstraction abs = new ConAbstraction(imp); abs.operation(); }} *********************************************************************** //Decorator 模式例子package pattern.b.decorator;
interface Component { void operation();}class ConComponent implements Component {
public void operation() { System.out.println("the begin operation"); }}//没有提供给component赋值的方法 所以声明这个类为抽象的 这里并没有抽象的方法就是不像让这个类有实例
abstract class Decotor implements Component{ private Component component; public void operation() { component.operation(); }}class ConDecotor1 extends Decotor {
private Component component; public ConDecotor1(Component component) { this.component = component; } public void operation() { super.operation(); //!!注意这里 这里提供了功能的添加 // 这里就是Decorator的核心部分 不是修改功能而是添加功能 将一个component传入装饰类调用对象的接口 //方法 在此过程添加功能 重新实现接口方法的功能 med0(); } private void med0() { System.out.println("1"); }}class ConDecotor2 extends Decotor {
private Component component; public ConDecotor2(Component component) { this.component = component; } public void operation() { super.operation(); med0(); } private void med0() { System.out.println("2"); }}//class
public class DecoratorPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { //注意 起点位置是从一个ConComponent开始的!! Component component = new ConDecotor2(new ConDecotor1(new ConComponent())); component.operation(); }} *********************************************************************** //Facade 的例子//在子系统上建立了一层 对外使用感觉比较简单 Facade的方法中封装与子系统交互的逻辑package pattern.b.facade;
class Exa1 {
public void med0() {}}class Exa2 {
public void themed() {}}//这就是一个简单的Facade的方法的例子
class Facade { public void facdeMed() { Exa1 exa1 = new Exa1(); exa1.med0(); Exa2 exa2 = new Exa2(); exa2.themed(); }}public class FacadePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { }} ***********************************************************************行为模式
//Command 模式例子
//感觉将一个类的方法 分散开了 抽象成了接口方法 注意 参数和返回值要一致//每个Command封装一个命令 也就是一种操作package pattern.c.command;
class Receiver { public void med1() {} public void med2() {}}interface Command {
// 要抽象成统一接口方法 是有局限性的 void execute();}class ConCommand1 implements Command{
private Receiver receiver; public ConCommand1(Receiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public void execute() { receiver.med1(); }}class ConCommand2 implements Command{
private Receiver receiver; public ConCommand2(Receiver receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } public void execute() { receiver.med2(); }}class Invoker {
private Command command; public Invoker(Command command) { this.command = command; } public void action() { command.execute(); }}public class CommandPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Receiver receiver = new Receiver(); // 生成一个命令 Command command = new ConCommand1(receiver); Invoker invoker = new Invoker(command); invoker.action(); }} *********************************************************************** //Strategy 模式例子//Strategy中封装了算法package pattern.c.strategy;
interface Strategy {
void stMed();}class Constrategy1 implements Strategy {
public void stMed() {}}class constrategy2 implements Strategy {
public void stMed() {}}class Context {
private Strategy strategy; public Context (Strategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } public void ContextInterface() { strategy.stMed(); }}public class StrategyPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { }} *********************************************************************** //State模式例子//将一种状态和状态的助理封装倒state中package pattern.c.state;
class Context {
private State state = new CloseState(); public void changeState(State state) { this.state = state; } public void ruquest() { state.handle(this); }}interface State {
void handle(Context context);}//表示打开状态
class OpenState implements State{ public void handle(Context context) { System.out.println("do something for open"); context.changeState(new CloseState()); }}//表示关闭状态
class CloseState implements State{ public void handle(Context context) { System.out.println("do something for open"); context.changeState(new OpenState()); }}public class StatePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { }} *********************************************************************** //Visitor模式例子//双向传入package pattern.c.visitor;
import java.util.*;interface Visitor {
void visitConElementA(ConElementA conElementA); void visitConElementB(ConElementB conElementB);}class ConVisitor1 implements Visitor{
public void visitConElementA(ConElementA conElementA) { String value = conElementA.value; conElementA.operation(); //do something } public void visitConElementB(ConElementB conElementB) { String value = conElementB.value; conElementB.operation(); //do something }}class ConVisitor2 implements Visitor{
public void visitConElementA(ConElementA conElementA) { String value = conElementA.value; conElementA.operation(); //do something } public void visitConElementB(ConElementB conElementB) { String value = conElementB.value; conElementB.operation(); //do something }}interface Element {
void accept(Visitor visitor);}class ConElementA implements Element {
String value = "aa"; public void operation() {} public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConElementA(this); }}class ConElementB implements Element {
String value = "bb"; public void operation() {} public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConElementB(this); }}class ObjectStructure {
private List Elements = new ArrayList(); public void action(Visitor visitor) { Iterator it = Elements.iterator(); Element element = null; while (it.hasNext()) { element = (Element) it.next(); element.accept(visitor); } } public void add(Element element) { Elements.add(element); } }public class VisitorPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { ObjectStructure objs = new ObjectStructure(); objs.add(new ConElementA()); objs.add(new ConElementA()); objs.add(new ConElementB()); objs.action(new ConVisitor1()); }} *********************************************************************** //Observer模式例子package pattern.c.observable;
import java.util.*;class State {}
interface Subject {
void attach(Observer observer); void detach(Observer observer); void myNotify(); State getState(); void setState(State state);}class ConSubject implements Subject {
List observers = new ArrayList(); State state = new State(); public void attach(Observer observer) { observers.add(observer); } public void detach(Observer observer) { observers.remove(observer); } public void myNotify() { Iterator it = observers.iterator(); Observer observer = null; while (it.hasNext()) { observer = (Observer) it.next(); observer.update(); } } public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } }interface Observer {
void update();}class ConObserver1 implements Observer{
private Subject subject; public ConObserver1(Subject subject) { this.subject = subject; } public void update() { State state = subject.getState(); // do something with state }}class ConObserver2 implements Observer{
private Subject subject; public ConObserver2(Subject subject) { this.subject = subject; } public void update() { State state = subject.getState(); // do something with state }}public class ObservablePattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { }} *********************************************************************** //Mediator模式例子package pattern.c.mediator;
public interface Colleague {
void setState(String state); String getState(); void change(); void action(); }package pattern.c.mediator;
public class ConColleague1 implements Colleague {
private String state = null; private Mediator mediator; public void change() { mediator.changeCol1(); } public ConColleague1 (Mediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getState() { return state; } public void action() { System.out.println("this 2 and the state is " + state); }}package pattern.c.mediator;
public class ConColleague2 implements Colleague {
private String state = null; private Mediator mediator; public ConColleague2 (Mediator mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } public void change() { mediator.changeCol2(); } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public String getState() { return state; } public void action() { System.out.println("this 1 and the state is " + state); } }package pattern.c.mediator;
public class ConMediator implements Mediator {
private ConColleague1 con1; private ConColleague2 con2; public void setCon1(ConColleague1 con1) { this.con1 = con1; } public void setCon2(ConColleague2 con2) { this.con2 = con2; } public void changeCol1() { String state = con1.getState(); con2.setState(state); con2.action(); } public void changeCol2() { String state = con2.getState(); con1.setState(state); con1.action(); } }package pattern.c.mediator;
public interface Mediator {
void setCon1(ConColleague1 con1); void setCon2(ConColleague2 con2); void changeCol1(); void changeCol2(); }package pattern.c.mediator;
public class MediatorTest {
public static void main(String[] args) { Mediator mediator = new ConMediator(); ConColleague1 col1 = new ConColleague1(mediator); col1.setState("lq test in the MediatorTest main 18"); ConColleague2 col2 = new ConColleague2(mediator); mediator.setCon1(col1); mediator.setCon2(col2); col1.change(); } }***********************************************************************
//Iterator模式例子package pattern.c.iterator;
interface Aggregate {
MyIterator Iterator();}class ConAggregate {
public MyIterator Iterator() { return new ConMyIterator(); }}interface MyIterator {
Object First(); Object Last(); boolean hasNext(); Object Next();}class ConMyIterator implements MyIterator{
Object[] objs = new Object[100]; int index = 0; public Object First() { index = 0; return objs[index]; } public Object Last() { index = objs.length - 1; return objs[index]; } public boolean hasNext() { return index < objs.length; } public Object Next() { if (index == objs.length - 1) { return null; } else { return objs[++index]; } }}public class IteratorPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
}} *********************************************************************** // Template Method 模式例子package pattern.c.template_method;
abstract class father {
abstract void med0(); abstract void med1(); //operation为一个模板方法 public void operation() { med0(); med1(); // and other logic }}class child extends father {
public void med0() { System.out.println("the med0 method"); } public void med1() { System.out.println("the med1 method"); }}public class TemplateMethodPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) {
}} *********************************************************************** //Chain of Responsiblity模式例子//将请求在链上传递//如果是当前节点的请求就结束传递处理请求否则向下传递请求//每个节点有另一个节点的引用 实现链状结构 package pattern.c.chain_of_responsiblity;interface Handler{
void handleRequest(int key);}class ConHandler1 implements Handler {
private Handler handler; public ConHandler1(Handler handler) { this.handler = handler; } public void handleRequest(int key) { if (key == 1) { System.out.println("handle in 1"); //handle something } else { handler.handleRequest(key); } }}class ConHandler2 implements Handler {
private Handler handler; public ConHandler2(Handler handler) { this.handler = handler; } public void handleRequest(int key) { if (key == 2) { System.out.println("handle in 2"); //handle something } else { handler.handleRequest(key); } }}class ConHandler3 implements Handler {
private Handler handler; public ConHandler3(Handler handler) { this.handler = handler; } public void handleRequest(int key) { if (key == 3) { System.out.println("handle in 3"); //handle something } else { handler.handleRequest(key); } }}public class ChainOfResponsiblityPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Handler handler = new ConHandler2(new ConHandler1(new ConHandler3(null))); handler.handleRequest(3); }}***********************************************************************
/* * Variable 表示变量 存储在上下文中 * Constant 终结表达式 * And 与的关系 双目 * Not 反的关系 单目 */package pattern.c.interpreter;
import java.util.*;
class Context {
private Map variables = new HashMap(); public boolean lookUp(Variable name) { Boolean value = (Boolean) variables.get(name); if (value == null) { return false; } return value.booleanValue(); } public void bind(Variable name, boolean value) { variables.put(name, new Boolean(value)); }}interface Expression {
boolean interpret(Context cont);}class Constant implements Expression {
private boolean value; public Constant(boolean value) { this.value = value; } public boolean interpret(Context cont) { return value; }}class Variable implements Expression{
private String name; public Variable(String name) { this.name = name; } public boolean interpret(Context cont) { return cont.lookUp(this); }}class And implements Expression {
private Expression left; private Expression right; public And(Expression left, Expression right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } public boolean interpret(Context cont) { return left.interpret(cont) && right.interpret(cont); }}class Not implements Expression {
private Expression expression; public Not(Expression expression) { this.expression = expression; } public boolean interpret(Context cont) { return ! expression.interpret(cont); }}public class InterpreterPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Context cont = new Context(); Variable variable = new Variable("parameter1"); cont.bind(variable, true); Expression and = new And(new Not(new Constant(true)), new And(new Constant(false), new Variable("parameter1"))); // (!(true)) && ((false)&&(true)) and.interpret(cont); }} *********************************************************************** //Memento模式例子package pattern.c.memento;
class Memento {
String value1; int value2; public Memento(String value1, int value2) { this.value1 = value1; this.value2 = value2; }}class Originator {
private String value1; private int value2; public Originator(String value1, int value2) { this.value1 = value1; this.value2 = value2; } public void setMemento(Memento memento) { value1 = memento.value1; value2 = memento.value2; } public Memento createMemento() { Memento memento = new Memento(value1, value2); return memento; } public void setValue1(String value1) { this.value1 = value1; } public void setValue2(int value2) { this.value2 = value2; }}class CareTaker {
private Memento memento; public Memento retrieveMemento() { return memento; } public void saveMemento(Memento memento) { this.memento = memento; }}public class MementoPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { Originator originator = new Originator("test1", 1); CareTaker careTaker = new CareTaker(); //保存状态 careTaker.saveMemento(originator.createMemento()); originator.setValue1("test2"); originator.setValue2(2); //恢复状态 originator.setMemento(careTaker.retrieveMemento()); }} ***********************************************************************